Completed | ICTEAM | IoNS | Louvain4Care | Master Thesis | Neuro
Etude du vertige en explorant les structures cérébrales impliquées par la résonance magnétique
Etude du vertige en explorant les structures cérébrales impliquées par la résonance magnétique
Building a GUI for streamlining and integrating multiple software packages for brain imaging data
Tracking microstructural evolution of Multiple Sclerosis lesions
Quantifying anomalies in patients with neuropathologies via diffusion Magnetic Resonance Imaging (application to rehabillitation after stroke)
Quantifying brain anomalies in patients with Drug-Resistant Epilepsy via Diffusion Magnetic Resonance Imaging
A toolbox for the processing of cognitive tests for the assessment of the Alzheimer’s disease
Quantifying anomalies in patients with neuropathologies via diffusion Magnetic Resonance Imaging (application to rehabillitation after stroke)