MedReSyst is an Initiative d’Innovation Stratégique (IIS) from the Walloon Region developed within the Smart Specialized Strategy (S3).
MedReSyst aims to develop tools for implementing network and systems medicine. This approach views patients holistically, enhancing care from diagnosis to treatment.
Our mission
Strengthening medicine with
Artificial Intelligence
The rise in life expectancy and lifestyle changes has led to an increase in complex diseases like cancer, diabetes, and neurological disorders, burdening healthcare systems.
MedReSyst focuses on 4P medicine (Personalized, Preventive, Predictive and Participatory). It leverages network medicine by integrating biological, environmental, and clinical data with artificial intelligence to customize care, identify risks and predict treatment responses.
This initiative is based upon three strategic pillars :
- Acquisition of Multimodal Data: Collecting biological, exposomic, clinical, and imaging data through specific cohorts in collaboration with international bio-banks.
- AI Modeling: Developing explanatory models of pathogenesis to enable more personalized, effective treatments with fewer side effects.
- Personalized Clinical Strategies: Designing integrated screening, diagnostic, and treatment workflows for precision medicine, reducing costs, and improving care quality.
MedReSyst develops AI models with continuous learning, fostering a virtuous cycle between experts and technology for more transparent and flexible AI use in medicine.
Our strategy
Project Development Support
Assistance with project proposals for Win2Wall, or European projects in areas
such as:
- Diagnostic technologies
- Connected patients, e-health, «big data»
- Future hospitals, prevention, and new organizations
Knowledge Capitalization
The MedReSyst toolbox, or MedToolBox, is a centralized platform offering software and technological tools to support medical research and practices, promoting collaboration among healthcare professionals, researchers, and developers.
Tool Dissemination
Implementing tools in the Walloon healthcare system through sandboxes, hackathons, and datathons.