
LiblineaR is an R package for large-scale linear modeling supporting classification and regression of large datasets. The original software in C/C++ was developed by Prof. Chih-Jen Lin and his team at the Machine Learning Group of the Taiwan University. As most of our developments are done in the open source R language, we have developed the R library LiblineaR, making all the functionalities of the original library available in the R environment. This software library thus offers to bioinformaticians, machine learners, data miners, to process data sets with very large number of features and/or large number of observations right in their favorite language. Recent versions of our package offers not only support for classification, but also for regression. The use of sparse matrices is also supported. We continue maintaining it as an open source software : it is freely available and has been downloaded more than 400.000 times around the world !

Thibault Helleputte