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The use of Monte Carlo dose calculation instead of typical analytical algorithms can improve the accuracy of proton therapy treatment planning. Especially, range uncertainties are significantly reduced in heterogeneous anatomies. MCsquare, a new fast Monte Carlo code, has been developed to simulate proton PBS treatments with the accuracy and calculation speed required in the clinic….



PARROT, which stands for Platform for ARtificial intelligence guided Radiation Oncology Treatment, is a user-friendly, free, and open-source web platform. It allows users to visualize DICOM files, run AI models, display and evaluate predictions easily. The platform includes several trained state-of-the-art dose prediction and contour segmentation models. Users can also add their own models using…



LiblineaR is an R package for large-scale linear modeling  supporting classification and regression of large datasets. The original software in C/C++ was developed by Prof. Chih-Jen Lin and his team at the Machine Learning Group of the Taiwan University. As most of our developments are done in the open source R language, we have developed the R library LiblineaR, making all the…

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Orthanc est un écosystème libre et open-source destiné à la gestion et au partage d’images médicales. Orthanc implémente le standard international DICOM qui régule l’imagerie médicale numérique dans tout établissement de santé. Cela permet à Orthanc de recevoir, de stocker et de transmettre des images en provenance de n’importe quel équipement de radiologie (scanners, IRM,…



OpenTPS is an open-source treatment planning system (TPS) for research in radiation therapy and proton therapy. It was developed in Python with a special focus on simplifying contribution to the core functions to let the user develop their own features. It contains a variety of treatment planification and evaluation methods, as well as image processing and…