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FreeMedispring : un outil de facturation et de prescription électronique entièrement gratuit. La coopérative Medispring a décidé de faciliter l’accès de tous les soignants belges aux outils désormais incontournables dans leur profession, et de mettre gratuitement à leur disposition une partie de son dossier médical.   FreeMedispring permet à tout professionnel de la santé sans…



The use of data sciences in biomanufacturing routine operations and process improvement can help companies improve their bottom line and remain competitive in a dynamic market, with positive impact on sustainability. Hercule is a technology platform composed of a software suite and a set of services, successfully applied on more than 25 processes so far. Hercule software is composed of a series of modules, for biomanufacturing data structuring, day-to-day…



LiblineaR is an R package for large-scale linear modeling  supporting classification and regression of large datasets. The original software in C/C++ was developed by Prof. Chih-Jen Lin and his team at the Machine Learning Group of the Taiwan University. As most of our developments are done in the open source R language, we have developed the R library LiblineaR, making all the…

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Orthanc est un écosystème libre et open-source destiné à la gestion et au partage d’images médicales. Orthanc implémente le standard international DICOM qui régule l’imagerie médicale numérique dans tout établissement de santé. Cela permet à Orthanc de recevoir, de stocker et de transmettre des images en provenance de n’importe quel équipement de radiologie (scanners, IRM,…



OpenTPS is an open-source treatment planning system (TPS) for research in radiation therapy and proton therapy. It was developed in Python with a special focus on simplifying contribution to the core functions to let the user develop their own features. It contains a variety of treatment planification and evaluation methods, as well as image processing and…